Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 68-72: Spreading the news and 20 questions

"We're engaged!"
When you tell people you are engaged, they hug you. Then, they start asking you questions. So, here's the questions and answers to more than "20 questions" that people are asking right now.

1. What’s the date? July 10, 2010
2. Where are ya’ll getting married? Knoxville, TN
3. Where are you going to have it? We’re enjoying our engagement. No planning until after Christmas!
4. Are you going to have a big wedding? Please see #3.
5. Where you surprised? Shocked!
6. What are you colors going to be? Please see #3.
7. When did you tell your parents? They were waiting for us at a post-proposal party
8. Did anyone else know? I think the majority of west Knoxville knew. I on the other hand, had no idea.
9. Who is your caterer? Please see #3
10. What kind of dress do you want? Please see #3
11. It’s not a diamond? No, I didn’t want a diamond. It’s a sapphire.
12. Didn’t Princess Diana have a sapphire engagement ring? As a matter of fact, yes, she did.
13. Where are ya’ll going to register? Please see #3
14. Is Harding (the dog) going to be in the wedding? Please see #3
15. Oh man, seven months! I bet you are already stressed? No. See #3
16. Have you seen ­­________ (insert wedding website, blog, magazine)? Please see #3
17. What kind of wedding do you want? Please see #3…wait, no, I’ll answer that one. We are going to have a fabulous wedding!
18. Are you excited? Have you met me? Of course I am excited!!
19. Is your mom excited? Judging from the multiple engagement magazines she pulled out last weekend, I’d say she is pretty excited.
20. Is Brad excited? Yes. I think he’s enjoying a victory lap after pulling off the best, multi-site, complex-timing, wow-factor-achieved proposal ever.
21. I am so excited you are getting married!
Thanks, and how are you?
Well, Can you keep a secret?
We’re pregnant!!
This is my favorite one. But it’s a secret, can’t tell you who it is.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you are doing a sapphire. i heart that traditionally, people used the sapphire as the engagement "rock"! I'm so excited for you Katie!!! You were such a huge part of my wedding even though you weren't part of the party...and that meant so much to me =) Congrats!
