I love to run or walk at Lakeshore. This 2 mile loop treks around the former Lakeshore mental health institute. It is a part of the Knoxville Greenway system, has great views of the river, and is situated among 60 acres. That's all nestled in just a few miles from our house. What makes it even sweet are memories from soccer practices and games my brother and played there 25 years ago.
Since moving back, Brad and I often enjoyed it and I have met several friends there.
Lately, I have gotten to spend lots of sweet time there with Kris. She's great and such a blessing. We all need so one to talk to, to learn from. And she is becoming one of mine. She gives great advice and thoughts - on life, marriage, ministry, work, change, and lots more. i am not too involved with Young Life things here in Knoxville, but i am thankful that even the minimal involvement has let me get to know Kris. Here are a few thoughts that have been rolling around in my head as a result of these good conversations...
...we are really concerned with our loved ones being happy or having fun, but God cares more about their character.
...God's teaching is full of lots of hard truth, but most of all, it has hope!
...it's all about relationships.
...relationships take time.
...we are so clearly made for more than this world can ever offer.
...I can never be perfect or make anyone happy all the time (sounds obvious, but it's hard for me to believe sometimes)
...marriage is like the greatest gift this world brings!
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