Now in Knoxville. Coming soon to
The website isn't done, but the chicken is so, so good. This is my favorite place to head before UT basketball games. So, even though I skipped the game to see friends last night, Brad and I grabbed dinner before he headed over.
Here's what happened on another recent visit.
Setting - at McDougal's on the strip. I order. Brad orders. As the waitress is getting our drink she says....
Waitress: Are y'all going to the game tonight?
Brad: Yes
I look down at our clothing and realize that we are not wearing anything orange or UT oriented.
Waitress: Well y'all have fun down here.
Me: How can you tell we were going to the game?
Waitress: Hmm, I don't know you just look like you'd be going to the game.
I then look around the restaurant. I realize we are the only people over the age of 25.
Me: Yes, we probably just look like adults from West Knoxville who only come on campus for basketball games.
We all laugh.
It is not true. We don't just come on campus for basketball games...We love football too!
Photo Credit
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